After an excellent week of training both Lucas Gonzales and Tim Connelly feel good about their challenge for the Maxi dash title.
Alot of the strategy is based on how to drive between the areas in the most efficient way possible trying to allow for the unexpected which is allways present here in east Africa so a few hours here and there were just checking out dirt roads and trying to link up known thourough fares.

The rest of the time was just plain climbing in all the areas which was great. A few times the barking baboons got a little close and on one climb, 'unlawfull entry' both Tim and Lucas were attacked by wasps which made them climb the 10c route in record time , with minimal gear!!

Now the car is packed and the plan layed out (as well as the contingency plan of the rainy routes!!)
Patching up a few spots on their five10s with the great 'Stealth paint kit' and paring down their rack to 'only essentials' the team is now in racing shape ... Wish them luck, Saterday is race day, all day!!

Can't wait to hear how it went! You're prob out and about as we speak - ay?
Go Tim Go!!!!!!! I am wishing you luck from AK :)
so how did ya'll do?
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